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Local time |
Cloudiness, % |
Precipitation, mm |
Temperature, °C |
Pressure, mmHg |
Wind: speed , m/s |
direction |
more information about weather is available on the website rp5.am |
4 hours ago, a severe blizzard was observed in Nizhnekolymsky district in Ambarchik Bay: near gale ( 15 m/s ), gusts up to 17 m/s , horizontal visibility 0.05 km .
During the last 12 hours the minimum air temperature ( -52 oC ) was observed in Oymyakonsky district in Delyankir.
53 minutes ago, the maximum air temperature ( -6 oC ) was observed in Olekminsk district in Macha.
4 hours ago, snow depth of 21 cm was observed in the mountainous area in Tomponsky district in Vostocnaya.
53 minutes ago, snow depth of 81 cm was observed in Lensk district in Vitim.